Cregmore National School

School Code of Discipline

The aim of the school code of discipline is to help create a positive learning environment in acknowledging the right of each child to an education in a relatively disruption free environment.

  • A strong sense of community is encouraged within the school, and a high level of co-operation between staff, pupils and parents leads to a high standard of behaviour.
  • Care and respect in a practical way is encouraged for all pupils, teachers, visitors, and school property etc.
  • Emphasis is placed on positive techniques of motivation and learning. Encouragement and praise of ‘good behaviour’ are utilised by teachers. “Reward” rather than sanctions.
  • Teachers must quickly recognise the level of ability and interest of each individual child, thus ensuring through preparation, that the curriculum matches that ability, aptitude and interest, thus reducing boredom, lack of interest or lack of progress.
  • School rules should be kept to a minimum, stating them positively in terms of what pupils should do.
  • Individual teachers display and discuss “classroom rules”.

The overall responsibility of discipline within the school rests with the Principal.

Each teacher has responsibility for the maintenance of discipline within his / her classroom, while sharing a common responsibility for good order within the school premises/grounds. Minor breaches of discipline are dealt with by the individual teacher in the classroom.

Repeated incidents of misbehaviour or serious incidents will be referred to and dealt with by the Principal.

Parents may be invited by appointment to meet with the Principal and class teacher should it be deemed necessary.

The following strategies/sanctions will be used to show disapproval of unacceptable behaviour.

  1. Reasoning with the pupil
  2. Reprimand – (including advice on how to improve).
  3. Separation from peers and friends within the classroom.
  4. Loss of privileges in partaking in extra curricular activities
  5. Detention during break; members of staff on yard duty will include the supervision of these children in a designated area, with additional work provided.
  6. Referral to Principal / Deputy Principal.
  7. Communication with Parents. (Written).
  8. Suspension / Expulsion. (In accordance with Rule 130. Circular 7/88).
  9. Should a child be considered to be emotionally disturbed, the teacher, in consultation with the parents should request help from the support services within the community e.g. Community Care Services provided by the H.S.E.

All instances of serious misbehaviour will be recorded in the “school discipline book”.

The Code of Discipline has been drawn up by the Principal and staff of Scoil Pádraig Naofa, Cregmore. It has been sanctioned by the Board of Management.

In the belief that the most effective schools tend to be those with a genuinely good relationship and rapport with parents, every effort will be made by the Principal and staff to ensure that parents are kept well informed, that the school provides a welcoming atmosphere towards parents, and that parents are told, not only when their children are behaving poorly, but also when they behave particularly well.

Children also are constantly praised and rewarded for good behaviour.

Cregcarragh, Claregalway, Co. Galway, H91YD28.
091 799 037
© 2025 Cregmore National School