Music is very much part of school life here in Scoil Padraig Naofa, Cregmore.
Our children begin to learn the basics on their tin whistles in Senior Infants. When they reach Rang 1 they are welcome to learn a variety of instruments, including banjo, fiddle, flute and concertina. We provide in-school weekly professional classes in small groups and in addition we provide "session time" each Thursday during lunch break. The cost per lesson is just 6 EURO which in turn is paid to our visiting music teachers. The Children showcase their music skills at a number of events throughout the year. School Mass, Silver Circle, visiting Mystical House Nursing Home, School Masses, Grandparents Day, Christmas Concerts, La Glas, Communion and Confirmation Masses to name but a few.
However, the overriding success of our music initiative is our Rental / Purchase Scheme which we introduced in 2010. This scheme allows the interested child to rent an instrument for 3 month at a cost of
30 EURO. Should the child be happy to continue learning the instrument after 3 months, we will sell the instrument to the child minus the 30 EURO rental deposit. This forward thinking initiative has not only developed a very strong ethos of traditional music within our school but it has also played a very significant role in the success of our local parish Comhaltas.