Safety: For my own safety and that of others.
- I should be careful coming to and going from school
- I should always walk while in the school building.
- I should always show consideration for other pupils and teachers while going from classroom to classroom/outside for various activities.
- I should remain seated at all times in class and while eating lunch
- Bring a note of explanation following absences
- I should never play rough in the school yard and always show respect for my fellow pupils.
- I should never leave the school grounds without the permission of the Principal.
- I should never use foul or inappropriate language. I should respect all school property and never cause damage or harm.
- I am aware that mobile phones are never permitted in the school.
Caring for myself:
- I should respect my property, and myself always keeping my school bag, books and copies in good order.
- I should always be in school before the bell rings at 8.50am, and be ready to participate in formal instruction at 9.00am.
- I should show respect for my school and be proud to wear the complete school uniform every day.( except P.E days)
- I should always be aware of my personal cleanliness.
- I should always bring a sensible, nutritional lunch to school and observe the schools “healthy eating policy”.
- I should never chew gum.
- I should always do my best in school by listening carefully, working as hard as I can and by completing my homework.
Caring for others:
- I should be kind and respectful to teachers and fellow pupils by being mannerly and polite, by taking turns and by remaining silent and orderly in my class line.
- I should behave well in class so that my fellow pupils and I can learn.
- I should always keep my school clean by bringing unfinished food and drinks, cartons, wrappers, etc... Home. I should show respect for the property of my fellow pupils, the school building and grounds.
- I should assist in the class-cleaning rota.
- I should make a special effort to use good manners particularly with civil greetings e.g. Dia agat ar maidin, Slān leat etc.
- Be truthful and honest and friendly at all times, thus obeying our school motto.
- Individual Classroom Rules: Each teacher, at the beginning of the school year clearly displays a list of “classroom rules”, appropriate to that class. These must be obeyed.