August 20th.
Dear Parents,
I hope you are all well and no doubt looking forward to a greater sense of normality returning to your lives when the schools reopen. Over the past number of weeks we have been preparing the school for reopening on Monday, August 31st next and excess furniture has been remove, the entire school has received a deep cleaning, the new Astro Turf pitch and running track have been completed, signage has been put in place, sanitizing depots have been set up and 3 industrial sanitizing machines have been purchased.PPE gear has been purchases also and protocols for reopening put in place. Therefore can I ask you to please read this document carefully and make a conscious decision that in so far as possible you will support the school in its effort to keep Covid 19 at bay.
The distressed fishing boat along with its crew has landed us all safely on shore. Thank you to everyone who guided the boat safely home …… but now we must ensure that we care for each other, love each other and mind each other. Stay Safe
1. School hours are 8.50am to 1.30pm for Infants and 2.30pm for all other students. However the school will be open to accept children from 8.40am and at that time the children can go directly to their classrooms where they will be required to sit at their allocated seat which will have their name clearly marked on it. All excess furniture has been removed from each classroom and each class has been sub divided into pods of 5 or 6 children. Children will remain in these pods until further notice.
We are asking parents NOT to drop their children off before 8.40am please.
2. Drop off at the two entrance gates, maintaining 2m distance.
Converging by parents is not permitted in the drop off areas / car parks and under no circumstance are parents to linger in the school vicinity. All adults should wear face masks.
3. Pick up is from the two exits, maintaining 2m distance. Remain in your car until the children appear at the gate.
4. To pick up a child during school hours, please phone first (091 799037) and wait at the school office until your child arrives to you.
5. There will be no access to the any part of the school, including classrooms for parents or visitors. We will be inviting Junior and Senior Infants to visit the school next Thursday. Parents will receive further details during the week from Caroline and Breda.
6. All staff will have completed COVID induction training
7. We will priorities outdoor activities when possible and all children will be brought outside daily to participate in a physical activity for 20mts.
8. As per currant guidelines, all staff will wear a face visor. Any child who wishes to wear a face mask may do so, though they are not mandatory. While we encourage the wearing of our school uniform, we are allowing children to alternate between the formal uniform and the PE uniform should they so wish
9. Pupils and staff will wash their hands regularly.
10. Everyone will use the hand sanitiser provided on entry and exit at each hallway and classroom.
11. The school recently purchased 3 sanitising machines and all classrooms will be sanitised daily, (particularly shared equipment such as toys, maths equipment, laptops etc) while the whole school will be thoroughly sanitised each weekend.
12. Pupils must be kept home if displaying symptoms such as high temperature, cough, breathing difficulties or loss of taste or smell.
13. If showing any of the above symptoms, pupil will be isolated in a dedicated room and their parents will be called. This room, (my former office) has been equipped to deal with such an emergency. Parents will contact their GP.
14. All pupils are requested to bring a face cloth in a lunch type box for the purpose of drying their hands after using the bathroom as we are not permitted to allow the use of shared towels.
15. Pupils are asked to bring one pencil case to school, containing pencils, biros, rubbers etc. These pencil cases will remain in school.
16. All pupils are requested to bring a neat storage box for their books.
17. We have been advised to allow fresh air circulate throughout the school. Therefore windows will be kept open at all times.Toilets will be sanitized and flushed regularly.
18. Margaret our secretary will be working remotely for a number of weeks due to an underlying medical condition. We wish her well. However, our phone system has been diverted to Margaret and can therefore still be used as per normal.(8.30am to 2.30pm) Please place any monies, messages or relevant data in a sealed envelope with your child’s name and class for recording purposes and hand it directly to the class teacher. As you are aware, all school payments, including fees can be lodged directly into our account. 19. It is possible to contact the school via email or call 087-9651498 in cases of emergency
20. Mrs O Dea has been appointed Covid 19 Lead Staff Representative and she will be ensuring that proper structures and procedures are in place and being maintained daily. She will also update you on any new developments, changes or initiatives. Should you have any concerns, suggestions or ideas please relay them to Mrs O Dea.
21. All inter school sporting activities are cancelled and swimming lessons will not take place for the foreseeable future.
22. All parents have a responsibility to constantly remind their children about best practice such as hand washing, coughing etiquette, general hygiene and indeed good manners.
Thank you for reading the above guidelines and can I ask you to please discuss this document with your child.
I will be in touch again next week.
Kind Regards
Joe Kennelly. Principal.